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Student writing tool invites you to become a part of our dynamic affiliate program.

What Is Our Niche is an online AI-powered tool designed to assist with:
- Fast academic research
- Quality essay writing
- Thorough paper editing

Who Is Our Audience
- English-speaking students who don’t have enough time to address all their essays and research papers with quality
- International students, aiming to achieve academic excellence despite not having C1-level language skills
- Students from TOP universities seeking to complete their writing assignments and improve their academic performance

How To Join & Start Earning
- Click the “Start Earning” Button
- Follow the link and create your personal account
- Share the custom-generated link or coupon through your platform (website, blog, social media platform)
- Wait and receive your payment
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become an affiliate?
Just press the button “Start earning now” or follow the registration link From there you just need to give your email, name, and preferred payment method. After that, you officially become a partner of our affiliate program.
How much will I earn?
You will get 30% off each purchase made via your personal affiliate link. As such, the more users you bring to, the more revenue you will generate for yourself.
How do I manage my earnings?
You can easily track your earnings in your affiliate account. There you will also find your affiliate links and coupons for easy and quick access.
What is the minimum amount I can withdraw from the account?
The minimum amount you need to earn before withdrawing is $50. If you earn less than $50, your earnings will carry over to the next payment cycle.