Essay Grader Service: Quality Writing Help by Textero

Not sure if you wrote a good essay? Let our grader evaluate the paper and suggest some corrections.

Textero Essay Grader Screenshot

What Is an AI Essay Grader?

AI Grader by Textero uses an AI-powered grading assistant to provide precise, high-quality, and accurate criticism for college essays. Several sets of algorithms help evaluate the quality of essays on different levels, from base grammar and punctuation to structure and logic. Teachers can use essay grader AI to speed up the paper revision process, and students can gain the advantage of identifying their essay's weak points.

AI Essay Grader Free: How It Works

There are only three simple steps that separate you from being able to check the quality of your essay online. All you need to do is upload your essay, wait for results, and get a final report.

Just insert the essay into the text field on our website and hit the button. We value our clients' time and have made an effort to design the user interface to be as simple, intuitive, and friendly as possible. Remember to recheck that you've pasted the whole essay, not just one chapter.

Wait for the grader to evaluate your essay and form a report. Remember that there are many layers and criteria to consider. Our grader analyzes the following aspects of your writing: topic focus, spelling and grammar, citations and sources, cohesiveness, and the integration of knowledge.

Start with carefully studying the report several times. You will receive an overall grade and separate scores for different aspects of writing. We recommend using the revision report to spot the weak points in your essay and fix them.

How Our Tool Grades Your Essay

Our tool is here to provide you with academic assistance. It uses a multilevel algorithm to analyze the different aspects of writing.

Grammar and punctuation are what first impress readers. Our AI grader essay will provide a readability score, which will help you identify the most problematic areas. You can use our checker to understand if your writing needs further polishing.

Presenting all the necessary evidence to support your arguments as well as giving enough detail for your audience to understand the topic is a necessary part of any writing, let alone academic papers. That’s why Essay Grader Service examines how elaborate are the ideas presented in your essay. Moreover, it analyzes the balance between your insights and the materials from other authors included in your work, making sure that it stays original and unique.

Writing an in-depth analysis of the assigned topic is the primary goal of every academic assignment. You should focus on the chosen subject and limit the deviations to produce a transparent, convincing essay.

Our checker will review your essays in automatic mode and evaluate central statements, logical links, and the distribution of key arguments among chapters. These factors combined are the basis of the impression paper can make.

Who Can Benefit from Using Our Tool

Textero is the ultimate solution for versatile academic problems. Access to our essay grader can be incredibly beneficial for students, teachers, parents, and academic writers.

Students can obviously take advantage of our services because the essay grader is the ultimate solution for checking their essays before submission. Students can use our grader to analyze their papers, get revision reports, and study these reports to identify the weak points.

Teachers can use the Textero tool to streamline the essay revision process. The necessity to check dozens of similar essays in a row may be daunting, and the essay grader will help to revise each paper in no time.

Independent academic writers may sometimes need a second opinion to evaluate their papers. Experienced writers can quickly use the details from the revision report to find flaws and fix them.

Why Choose Our Tool to Grade Your Essay?

There are several significant reasons why students choose our grader to check their content. Our tool can assist you no matter what type of college essay you are writing, from argumentative to narrative.


Textero analyzes your writing in several ways, including its coherence, readability, and topic coverage. It also comments on how well your work demonstrates an understanding of the subject by highlighting the quality of your analysis.


The essay reviewer by Textero will not only give you a grade and score for your paper but also point out areas for improvement. You can analyze all suggestions and choose which of them are worth fixing.


Easy and fast feedback on your written work is now available with Textero. Since it won't take long, you'll have plenty of time to revise and proofread your work before submitting it to your professor.


Don’t worry about overspending when using Textero. The Essay Grader Service is free to use for anyone who needs it. The only limitation here is that your work shouldn’t be longer than 6000 words. However, this should be enough to check most of the academic papers you are asked to write by the professors.

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