Word Count Checker
Counting Words and Characters in Your Text: How to Use Our Online Word Counter?

Provide Your Written Content
You can copy and paste your content into the website’s text box or write your text in the provided space as you track the progress; the calculator shows the number of words as you type.
Check the Metrics
The tool will automatically display the number of words, characters, and reading time of your text. So, you can focus on what you are interested in.
Repeat the Process for a New Text
You can process another paragraph or document by clicking the “delete” symbol and pasting in another text. After that, repeat the process as many times as you need.Who Can Count Words Using an Online Word Counter?

Our word calculator is a reliable writing partner for students handling English essays, dissertations, and other academic tasks that require typing. If you need to track the length of your assignment or the number of words in every paragraph, this is the ideal online word-counting tool you can trust.
Professional Bloggers and Content Writers
Bloggers and content writers can also find this online word counter tool helpful; it is designed to help users maximize productivity by enabling them to type quality content and ensure they remain within the required word limit to avoid exceeding the set number of pages.
SEO Experts and Webmasters
As a specialist in search engine optimization or webmaster, you should be able to use every keyword in the right place and distribute them fairly. If you don’t know how to use the correct words or maintain a consistent flow in your article, this word checker can help you format each sentence and use a good keyword density.
Our online word calculator can help researchers outline their proposed projects and document findings more precisely, especially when they have to adhere to a strict word count or limit. By staying on top of their word count, researchers can make sure they elaborate on the topic without diving into unnecessary details.FAQ
How do I check my word count?
You can check your word count using most word processors like Microsoft Word or Google Docs by looking at the bottom of the screen. If you want a quick check online, Textero has a word count tool that’s easy to use.
How much is 1,000 words word count?
A 1,000-word count is roughly two to four pages, depending on formatting, spacing, and font size. If you're unsure how your essay measures up, Textero’s Word to Pages converter can give you a precise page estimate.
How long is 500 word count?
A 500-word count typically covers about one to two pages, depending on your font style and spacing. If you want a more accurate conversion, Textero’s tools can help you figure out the exact number of pages based on your settings.
How many words is a page?
On average, a standard page with double spacing and a 12-point font size (like Times New Roman) contains about 250 to 300 words. To get an exact estimate, try Textero’s Word to Pages tool for accurate results.